US Equities Trading

Long/Short S&P500 strategy

The complex long/short strategy that required 3 years of development and was rigorously back-tested turned out to be astonishingly profitable throughout 2008 on a proprietary account of 200 000 USD. Despite market plunge of 33% the strategy showed a 52% increase of capital.

In 2018 Liguria Assets was registered in Belize in order to accumulate capital of high net-worth individuals willing to place their funds in alternative investments strategy.

Having showed the performance of 39,4% in 2009 with relatively small draw-downs, we managed to raise the capital under management to the level of 12 Mln USD.

In 2010 due to 37,2% annual profit and additional investments the NAV surged to the level of 20Mln USD. At this point we decided to restrict new investments, because further raise of capital could result in lower profits.

Long/Short dividend plays

Coming soon

Mid-term directional portfolia

In 2013 we started raising capital for a directional mid-term strategy. The strategy aim consists in:

beating the bench-mark performance of S&P 500 Index by at least 5% annually in positive years,
ending positively the benchmark’s down years.
We expect the average annual return of around 25% (before payout). We are open for new investors to join this investment pool.

Please feel free to contact us if you wish to find out more about this investment opportunity.